Kalin Klean is full of all sorts of "TIPS" n "TRICKS" to keeping your home clean and organized. If you do not see what you are looking for on the page, simply ask us. We are here for you.
- Damp rubber gloves work great to wipe away animal hair off your sofa
- Dusting ceiling fans and light fixtures can help with dust control
- Corners, mouldings and door frames are usually left undone, try damp wiping
- Dusting walls is not something a lot of people do. If you want to dust your walls try a flat head mop
- Bathroom vents get very dusty and need to be cleaned often, vacuum the dust off or try cleaning with a wet cloth
- Sweep the suface first to remove any loose soil or grit
- When cleaning laminate floors it is important not to get water underneath the planks
- When cleaning cork flooring try using water, vinegar and a drop of dish soap
- When cleaning waxed hardwood floors keep damp mops away from this surface a drop of water can damage it, sweep, dry mop or vacuum. If you have polyurethane floors try water and a drop of dish soap
- The pulling motion of vacuuming is more important that the pushing motion. The pulling motion removes the soil.
- Change or empty the canister on a regular basis
- Move your furnitue occasionally to clean those hard to reach areas
- When vacuuming your stairs use your attachements to get in the crevices and edges of the carpet
- Dust blinds, baseboards, and higher objects before vacuming
- Stick to a schedule. Vacuum higher trafficed areas more frequently, and daily vacuuming is recommended if you have heavy shedding pets
- Shed expired and unused items as well as bulky packaging
- Store products in easy in and easy out jars or baskets
- Skip bar soap at the sink. Use pump soap to eliminate the grimy soap dish
- Greasy cabintes? Mix dish soap with water in a spray bottle and spray on greasy surface
- Wipe a little toothpaste on your faucets and watch them shine
- Coffee filters work great for a streak free shine on glass
- Soaking kitchen spouts and shower heads in CLR a few times a year helps the water flow better
- Door storage. Try hanging a shoe organizer filled with cleaning supplies for easy access
- Store sheets in coordinating pillow case
- Fold towels in thirds and then in a rectangle for maximum space
- Asign every member in your house a basket for the entry way to eliminate the under foot items and slide under a bench for a clean organized look
- To keep your bathroom counters free of clutter find a vanity with plenty of storage options